Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Some of my favorite blogs

Blog of Gary Taubes
Author of "Good Calories Bad Calories" If you haven't read this book... don't waste another minute in ignorance... this is have to know stuff.

Blog of Dr Peter Attia MD "The Eating Academy"

Blog of Dr Ron Rosedale MD
Author of "The Rosedale Diet"

Bullet Proof Executive

Blog of Michael R Eades MD
Author of "Protein Power"

Blog of Jimmy Moore
You might also want to tune into Jimmy's podcast "Ask The Low Carb Experts" He has interviewed just about every MD and Nutritional Scientist at the forefront of this movement.

Blog of Dr William Davis
Author of "Wheat Belly"

Blog of Mark Sisson "Marks Daily Apple"
Everyone in the Paleo community knows of this guy. Lots of good stuff.                                                                                                                                                                        

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